Cybersecurity Essentials

The threat of a cyberattack on your business is imminent. Losses from cybercrime totaled more than $10 billion in 2022, according to the FBI. Teams across our organization are on constant alert to combat cyber threats and have prepared a series of videos discussing the threat landscape, how to assess current risks, the importance of employee training and how to respond if an incident occurs.

Person pointing at cybersecurity icon on screen

Five must-haves for a comprehensive plan

Paul Tucker, chief information security officer at BOK Financial, outlines the five crucial elements of a cybersecurity plan for our business or organization.

Graphic promoting video focused on "5 must-haves for a comprehensive plan."

Risk assessment

How will integrating AI into your operations impact your cybersecurity plan? Have you considered the risks your suppliers pose to your organization? Our experts discuss critical topics related to assessing your risks.

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Security controls

Cyber risks are constantly changing and evolving. David Norlin, Chief Information Security Officer at Lumifi, describes the most prominent threats businesses should watch for and the key elements of staying ahead.

Graphic promoting video focused on "Staying ahead of evolving threats."

Employee training

Your people are your first line of defense regarding cybersecurity. Employee training and testing are key elements in combating breaches within your organization. Employee training programs are often required before carriers provide an insurance policy to a company.

Incident response plan

Your insurance and legal teams are key in developing a company incident response plan. Both elements involve a proactive approach to consider the appropriate playbooks, stakeholders, communications procedures and what to do in case of a breach.

Cyber resiliency

How does this all come together in real life? What’s needed to help a company move from crisis to resilience?

Meet our experts

BOK Financial professionals and our industry partners share their diverse knowledge to help you assess your company’s vulnerability and devise a strategy to strengthen your company’s security posture through the creation of a comprehensive cybersecurity plan. Get to know these interesting individuals representing expertise in cybersecurity policies, programs, risk mitigation and legal considerations.

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